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The Smellicopter is an open-source drone project called Crazyflie 2.0, with some additional off the shelf sensors for obstacle avoidance and stabilization. The interesting bits are a couple of passive fins that keep the drone pointed into the wind, and then the sensor, called an electroantennogram. To make one of these sensors, you “harvest” an antenna from a live hawkmoth. The antenna is hollow, meaning that you can stick electrodes up it. Whenever the neurons in the antenna encounter an odor that they’re looking for, they produce an electrical signal that the electrodes pick up. Plug the other ends of the electrodes into a voltage amplifier and filter, run it through an analog to digital converter, and you’ve got a chemical sensor that weighs just 1.5 gram and consumes only 2.7 mW of power.
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29.01.2021 (1503 days ago)