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I never thought a drone would be linked to a where's wally story. But this is a little different. It is a where's wallaby story. Skippy, where the bloody hell are ya? Not at Auckland’s Long Bay Regional Park, apparently. A suspected wallaby has kept Auckland Council busy since a park volunteer claimed to have spotted it in April. But trail cameras and a wallaby detector dog named Lotte have been unsuccessful in detecting the wallaby, while scat samples collected for analysis ended up belonging to a possum. As night fell over the North Shore park on Wednesday, a team of forest survey specialists took to the sky with a thermal and night vision drone, in a final attempt to prove or rule out the wallaby’s existence entirely. After five hours of searching around 160 hectares, Interpine Innovation director David Herries said he was confident there was no wallaby living at Long Bay Regional Park. However, the team did manage to spot a range of birds and ducks, and pests such as hedgehogs, rabbits and possums.
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20.11.2021 (1191 days ago)