Browse Sites By Tag: meta:667.3:picc:gotvid — We’ve all seen drone fail videos pop up on social media from time to time. Sometimes, we get a good laugh out of the misfortune, or sheer foolishness, of hapless pilots. Other times, we wonder out loud, “What the hell were you thinking?!” Guess which category this gem fits in. The video “Parent of t…
22.09.2021 0 comments From JAS-Aerial — It appears that Autel is working on a bevy of new products – EVO III, EVO Lite, and Nano mini drones. The latter two have been caught on video. This vision was found on TikTok on September 15, in Shenzhen, China. In the video, we see the Autel booth at an exhibition, where a representative is showin…
17.09.2021 0 comments From JAS-Aerial