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Should be there but moderated.  No replies in the string....message only.  That keeps the trolls from destroying the sale.  Must note, Price in whatever currency the seller is located, location of item, etc.  Also, moderators that monitor the threads.


OK Jeff.

I have thrown up a classifieds section. Can I ask for your help. 

Come up with a list of categories and sub categories ... and I'll implement that. There are some samples there now...

Where is the Classifieds Forum?  Is it not visible yet?

Its just got a menu item called "Ads"...

OK....I see it now....I was looking for it in the Forums Index.  And that is really where I think it should go.  A forum of its own just like the other two forums.

I'm gonna disagree Jeff. Forums Versus Classifieds - Two different things. I could change the name from ADS to CLASSIFIEDS perhaps to make it more obvious, but I think there is merit in keeping it seperate. There are other classified specific features in there that make it more appropriate.

Back to the questions - What are the topics and sub topics for the classifieds in your opinion.


Honestly I think it just needs be kept simple. 

For Sale

Want To Buy


I do not think we should get a detailed tree of categories going for this area.  We may need to revisit that in the future, but for now just the 2 sections.


Classifieds Posting Rules and Guidelines:

When posting in the classifieds, understand and follow the rules set forth below.

1. The rules set forth below are designed to protect buyers and sellers of this site.  Selling, buying and trading on Dronebook is for the benefit of its members only.  The sole obligation of the Classified Section is to provide a place for contributing members to enjoy the benefits of membership and participation by allowing them to sell and buy personal items.

2. Place only one ad.  This includes ads with multiple items for sale.  You may repost only when your ad has been archived.

3. All ads MUST include a photo of the ACTUAL item (Stock photos are not acceptable.)

4. The item must be owned by you and IN YOUR POSSESSION.  No "preorder" sales and you may not post items for a 3rd party.

5. No AUCTION STYLE ads.  Links to eBay auctions are permitted.  You may accept offers, but a reserve price must be listed.

6. An items is not considered SOLD until payment has been received by the seller.

7. FIREARMS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE PURCHASED, SOLD OR TRADED ON THIS SITE. Please do not attempt to post Firearms related ads.

8. As this is an international forum please include your location (country and rough area is fine) together with the price and currency you are selling in. (CAD, USD, GBP, EUR, etc.)

9. Please do not "Bump" threads just for the sake of moving them to the top of the list. (Why not try lowering the price?)

10. Please do not argue sale price if you are not making an offer.

11. Please do not attack or flood sellers with your negative opinions or unwarranted claims of their products without having purchased or tested the product personally. Reviews are for those with experience with the seller.  We can all form our own opinions.

12. Do not hijack another member's thread with your own ad. Also please keep any comments relevant to the ad itself (such as asking for clarifications or additional information).

13. As a courtesy to fellow members, please post "Sold" in your ad title if the item has been sold, or is otherwise no longer available.

14. Ads may be removed by our staff at any time for any reason.

15. For your own security we suggest you do not to post personal information such as your email address or phone number.

16. Use safe and secure payment methods only! (PayPal)

Caveat Emptor!!  If it seems to good to be true it probably is.  Trust your gut feelings.

PLEASE NOTE: By using the Dronebook Classified Section, you assume all risk and liability associated with any sale, purchase or trade made therin.  Dronebook will not and cannot act as a mediator of any transactions.  If you feel that another member is abusing the Classified Section, please report such abuse to the moderators and administrator.  An investigation will then be conducted.

Any violation of these rules can result in your thread being deleted, access to the classifieds being removed and/or being banned from this site. We reserve the right to make changes to these rules without notice.



I am not sure if you have sponsors or "Approved Vendors" in mind for this site, but I believe any Group Buys need to be approved if you decide to add these vendors paying the site to sell their items.

I know i didn't list many categories and subs categories, but when they are there, it becomes hard to moderate as inevitably people will make their posts in the wrong section of the Classifieds and the moderator will have lots of work getting it straight.


If you think it should be broken out further, let me know.  We can discuss.

Jeff. I intend to have another session where we can update / tweak the site... Stay tuned, and participate and we'll put some meat on the bones of the ADS module.


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